Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Things!

Sorry it has been so long.
Marie had her cute baby boy, his name is Andrew.
You should have all gotten an email with some pictures.
The other big news item is that Chris is getting married.
Her name is Kira and she will be graduating from BYU Idaho.
They are planning on June 19, so save the date!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Big News!

Lisa & Pedro are expecting their first child!
They expect the baby in early August.
Kathleen is thrilled!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Baby!

Ashley Gibson Roberts had a baby!

Lorene and Alan just want you to know that we are Grandparents for the 1st time.
Ashley and Rhett Roberts have their first child.
Kolher ? Roberts
born 12:07 am December 28th 2008
5.5 lbs
18.5 inches
Both mom and baby are doing fine.
dad did not get much sleep.

Friday, December 19, 2008

News from Amanda

Subject: Toate oameni!

Hello people whom I love!

This was our last Temple trip before we leave. It was very nice to be able to go, a very good experience. We walked together through a light snow, passed fields of fresh snow to the Temple this morning. Then as we walked back it was practically a white-out! I loved it! (minus the fact that my ears froze) I love the temple. It’s such an amazing place. I can’t wait to help people learn that for themselves and experience the joys and peace it brings! I can hardly wait to return again after my mission. So.. because I’m so impatient (and am taking an idea from my cousin Elder Brycen & his passion for snowboarding [much love Brycen]):
Mom & Dad – go to the temple as much as possible for me!
Ashley & Rhett – go to the temple as much as possible for me!
Brandon – keep getting people ready to enjoy the blessings of the temple!
Mark – Go to the temple every week, and take Kate with you!
Kate – Go to the temple every week, and take Mark with you!
Isaac – Get excited to go to the temple and be ready for the joy!
Kylee – Learn about the temple so that you can be excited too.

Christmas is coming up and I’m really enjoying it. I’m excited to see what it’s like having Christmas here. I keep hearing that it’ll be awesome. Thanksgiving was good but Christmas will be great!! Thank you for the presents sent and yet to be received!

Yesterday we saw one of the four sisters in our branch off. Sister Moore, an ASL sister and roommate, was called to Fla. early. We’ll miss her. But she’s in a better place and is doing good things. She was a wonderful sister. :’) (sorry, mission humor)
But also, we welcomed a new Romanian branch (and another Eng) into our branch. 6 new Romanians, 10 new English. All elders. One of the Romanian elders was adopted from Romanian and gets to go back and see the land/people he came from. He seems like a really neat kid. I’m excited to get to know them all.

I’m really excited to get out to Romania in 3 weeks. It’ll be overwhelming and exciting and exhausting and I’m so excited to experience it all! We’ve been teaching in Romanian these last few weeks, we’re getting better, but it started off rough. As to be expected.

I’m so glad that I’m here on a mission. I’ve learned and grown so much in just these few weeks. I’ve learned things that I never knew before and have become more convinced of truths I’ve learned so many times before. As I type this I listen to my companion and roommate talk about these very same things and I know that others are blessed the same. These two wonderful sisters have grown and become so much more beautiful through their service here. And even though we’ve had our struggles, none of us would change this; none of us would go back and change our decisions to serve. We love it here. I love it here. And I hope that all of you are blessed.

Va iubesc! Eu stiu ca Dumnezeu este Tatal nostru Ceresc. El traieste. El ne iubeste. El este perfect si, prin Ispasirea lui Isus Hristos, noi putem deveni perfect de asemenea! Acesta este mesaj Evangheliei. Acesta este ceea ce iubesc.

Craciun Fericire!

Sora Amanda Gibson

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Thanksgiving Pics!

New Pictures!

Sorry for the delay between posts, I was finishing up finals week.
Jorge sent some great Thanksgiving pics.
If you have some pictures saved on your computer send them to me and I would love to post them.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Since Lorene posted that great thought last week I thought it would be interesting to have everyone post a quote or thought that they really liked.

So here's 2 from me:

"Courage is not the lack of fear, it is acting in spite of it"- Mark Twain

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is to high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself" - Friedrich Nietzsche

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