Friday, December 19, 2008

News from Amanda

Subject: Toate oameni!

Hello people whom I love!

This was our last Temple trip before we leave. It was very nice to be able to go, a very good experience. We walked together through a light snow, passed fields of fresh snow to the Temple this morning. Then as we walked back it was practically a white-out! I loved it! (minus the fact that my ears froze) I love the temple. It’s such an amazing place. I can’t wait to help people learn that for themselves and experience the joys and peace it brings! I can hardly wait to return again after my mission. So.. because I’m so impatient (and am taking an idea from my cousin Elder Brycen & his passion for snowboarding [much love Brycen]):
Mom & Dad – go to the temple as much as possible for me!
Ashley & Rhett – go to the temple as much as possible for me!
Brandon – keep getting people ready to enjoy the blessings of the temple!
Mark – Go to the temple every week, and take Kate with you!
Kate – Go to the temple every week, and take Mark with you!
Isaac – Get excited to go to the temple and be ready for the joy!
Kylee – Learn about the temple so that you can be excited too.

Christmas is coming up and I’m really enjoying it. I’m excited to see what it’s like having Christmas here. I keep hearing that it’ll be awesome. Thanksgiving was good but Christmas will be great!! Thank you for the presents sent and yet to be received!

Yesterday we saw one of the four sisters in our branch off. Sister Moore, an ASL sister and roommate, was called to Fla. early. We’ll miss her. But she’s in a better place and is doing good things. She was a wonderful sister. :’) (sorry, mission humor)
But also, we welcomed a new Romanian branch (and another Eng) into our branch. 6 new Romanians, 10 new English. All elders. One of the Romanian elders was adopted from Romanian and gets to go back and see the land/people he came from. He seems like a really neat kid. I’m excited to get to know them all.

I’m really excited to get out to Romania in 3 weeks. It’ll be overwhelming and exciting and exhausting and I’m so excited to experience it all! We’ve been teaching in Romanian these last few weeks, we’re getting better, but it started off rough. As to be expected.

I’m so glad that I’m here on a mission. I’ve learned and grown so much in just these few weeks. I’ve learned things that I never knew before and have become more convinced of truths I’ve learned so many times before. As I type this I listen to my companion and roommate talk about these very same things and I know that others are blessed the same. These two wonderful sisters have grown and become so much more beautiful through their service here. And even though we’ve had our struggles, none of us would change this; none of us would go back and change our decisions to serve. We love it here. I love it here. And I hope that all of you are blessed.

Va iubesc! Eu stiu ca Dumnezeu este Tatal nostru Ceresc. El traieste. El ne iubeste. El este perfect si, prin Ispasirea lui Isus Hristos, noi putem deveni perfect de asemenea! Acesta este mesaj Evangheliei. Acesta este ceea ce iubesc.

Craciun Fericire!

Sora Amanda Gibson

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More Thanksgiving Pics!

New Pictures!

Sorry for the delay between posts, I was finishing up finals week.
Jorge sent some great Thanksgiving pics.
If you have some pictures saved on your computer send them to me and I would love to post them.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Since Lorene posted that great thought last week I thought it would be interesting to have everyone post a quote or thought that they really liked.

So here's 2 from me:

"Courage is not the lack of fear, it is acting in spite of it"- Mark Twain

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is to high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself" - Friedrich Nietzsche


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Mills

Kathleen is struggling thru chemistry, doing cubscouts, and sunbeams.
Hal is getting excited about the BYU Utah football game
and planning a fishing trip to Green River.
Lisa and Pedro are coming home for Christmas!
Brette is working two jobs, going to school full time and having fun with
her room mates and friends. She just got called to be the relief society pianist,
she will graduate in a year.
Kelsey loves to do ball room dancing. She loves the rumba, cha-cha and swing.
She is taking voice lessons and piano.
Devan is on a basketball team and plays the trumpet in the new 7th grade band.
He is hanging in there on the piano. He loves reading the Levan Thumps series.
After a year and a half of healing Dolly was walking a half mile and doing good,
until I ran over her in the drive way. The poor dog is back to the drawing board and
after four weeks can hobble around on three legs. She still enjoys being outside
and loves to bark at the cats and the cows. She doesn't even know she is disabled
she thinks she is ferocious!

We hope to stop in at Dave's to say hi on Thanksgiving Day. We are also looking forward
to the family Christmas Party.

Tom & Michele

Things are going well for the Syracuse Milliners, Tom is working a lot (as usual).
Michele is still working at the Jr. High as the computer Labs Manager (there are 3), she spends most of her time yelling at 8th graders and keeping the computers running. She escorts about 4 kids down to the office for discipline in an average week. She is also going to school to finish a bachelors degree in Computer Science with an emphasis in software engineering. Right now she is taking anthropology and programming fundamentals. (12 credit hrs).
Johnathan entered Jr. High this year, and hates almost every minute of it, he would rather spend his time playing Spore, Never Winter Nights, and the wii. He is good at math and bad at English. Recently he did badly on a foreign language test and made this insightful observation; "how can I pass a french spelling test when I can't even spell in English?".
Kellie loves kindergarten, she is reading pretty good for her age, thanks to an awesome preschool teacher. She just turned 6 and thinks she rules the world.
We look forward to seeing everybody soon.
Michele & Tom

Thanks Giving Desert

Just wanted to remind every one that Lorene is hosting desert the night before Thanksgiving. Come after 5:30 PM and leave before 10:00 PM. If there is a desert that you must have or it is not Thanksgiving, bring it. Other wise we will have an assortment of yummies (including pumpkin pies).


Howard's baptism on Sunday was awesome! He was way excited for it. Elder Taylor, one of the Zone leaders, interviewed him Saturday night. After the interview Elder Taylor told us that Howard was more prepared for Baptism than anyone he had ever interviewed. Howard is fun to teach, but he likes to go off on stories and try to come up with a bunch of metaphors to try to answer our questions so our lessons usually tend to take longer than they should.

His Wife, LaVon, came to church for the first time this sunday too! I think she had really good experience and Elder Hamren said he say her wipe a few tears during the baptism service! Yes!! Score: 1 for the Spirit!

Our other progressing investigator, Marti (the older lady who we taught a lesson to with Pres and Sister Thornock) came up with another lame excuse for missing church this sunday (so i guess she's not progressing any more). She did a test drive to the church on saturday to make sure she knew where it was and was comfortable with the drive, but i guess she freaked out on the "winding" roads on the way there and had to turn around. Her real problem is that she's scared to make that big of a commitment cause she's afraid of her own faith and what it might lead her to do. But she'll get there eventually.

We tracted into another young family this week. They live at the end of a road on the top of a hill. We've been tracting out their nieghborhood for a few weeks now (its a big, spread out, cabin type homes neighborhood on the side of a huge hill) it's been good excersize tracting up there, i've probably lost a couple pounds, which is good cause i definitely didn't weigh 144 lbs before i got out here. I was closer to 135. (pretty much all of it is muscle of course) I got to play soccer this morning, it was wonderful, simply wonderful. If winter wasn't coming so soon i'd ask you guys to send me my soccer cleets, but i probably wont get a chance to use them til next spring, so lets hold off on that.

I'm planning on sending the old camera back as soon as i have enough money to. This month's cash supply has been a bit low cause at the beginning of the month i bought the stuff for the new camera (bigger memory card, protective screen, ect) and then Elder Hamren and I bought everybody in the district pumpkins for us to carve for district meeting yesterday. It was a lot of fun, but pumpkins are a bit more expensive out here than they are in Utah so we've had to be even more careful with our spending. (Don't worry i'm still eating well, the members take good care of us) And our pumpkis are way cool. I'll send pictures of them next week.

well, i gotta go,

live it,

love it,

teach it.

-Elder Mills

Well, my Trainer is getting moved up to Clarksburg and is now going to be a Zone Leader. My new companion with be here tomorrow. Elder Hamren is prettty much just switching places with him cause he used to be the ZL in Clarksburg. I'm glad i'm not getting an 'apostate' missionary. I guess most of the time the "greenie breaker" (2nd companion) is, um, less than obedient and a bit more difficult to work with. I'm sure Elder Johnson and I will be do fine together.

Howard get sick again on sunday so he still hasn't been confirmed! He was feeling pretty good on Saturday though, so we went over and taught him and his wife. This was the first time His wife, LaVon, has sat in on one of the lessons, so it was super cool. We reviewed the restortation with them, and when we got to the part about Joseph Smith we had Howard teach it to his wife. It was really neat to see him teach about it and try to explain what had happend to Joseph in the grove and the events that lead up to it. He did on ok job at it, but it was really cool when began to bear his testimony to her about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and the Church. It was really powerful. I'm sure his wife will be baptized with in a few months, she's a great lady.

I feel like a bad American today cause i'm not Voting. Mrs. Obrey would be mad at me. I really wanted to vote but i missed the dead line for the absenty ballad, rats. Oh well, i've been a bit out of it as far as politics go anyway, probably wouldn't be a very informed voter.

So Utah's getting snow!! Oh, i miss skiing already. 2 seasons without skiing, ahhh! Devan: Go Skiing for me!! A lot!!

Mom: let Devan go skiing for me!! A lot!!

Brette: Go skiing with Devan for me!! A lot!!

Kelsey: don't date guys who don't ski

Dad: you should try snowboarding ;)

Lisa: good luck finding a mountain

Pedro: dido

But don't Cry for me and my inablity to ski, cause baptisms are better than backflips on the ski slopes.

love y'all

write me letters, lots of them.

learn it, live it, love it

-Elder Mills IV

We went on the same hike today that i've done two other times since i've been here. I'm not trying to complain, but something new would be nice. We had a whole bunch of new elders come into the Roanoke Zone this last transfer and they all wanted to go on the hike after seeing our pictures, so once again i make the "grueling" treck up to Mc Afee's knob. Its still a fun hike, even after the third trip, but the leaves are all on the ground now and they're a nice dirty brown color. The view from the top was still pretty cool, but it was more of a terrestial view compared to the last hike's celestial view. (and then of course there was the 1st hike's telesial view with the super thick fog all around). The Appalachian mountains (or Apple-atch'n, as they pronounce it out here) just can't quite live up to the high expectations that the Rockies have set for the title of "mountains". But was still a good hike. We had a group of 10 elders from around Roanoke come. Missionaries are good company. Three of us went ahead of the group on the way down and the other two buried me in a pile of fallen leaves right next to the trail. When the rest of the group walked by I jumped out of the pile in an attempt to scare them, but ya just can't faze a missionary, they just looked at me with the type of expression that seemed to say "what are you doing Elder Mills?" and kept walking. Needless to say, the other Elders and I were slightly disappointed in their response. Thank goodness for sisters and moms who know how to give a proper response to the valiant effort guys put into scaring the day lights out of others.

So, dad you wanted a play by play of the life of a missionary in the Roanoke 2 area of the West Virginia Charleston mission... prepare to be awed, shocked, amazed, slightly overwhelmed, and envious.

6:30 am wake up, pray, use the facilities, exercise (usually pushups, sit ups, stretching, and bench pressing

7:00 am shower (our shower has pretty good pressure so this is a refreshing event), shave, dress, comb my hair

7:30 BREAKFAST!! generally a bowl of cold cereal, occasioned by a poptart or toaster-strudel, mmm. I just got some blueberry poptarts, i'm excited.

8:00 Person Study Time, itzdabest!

9:00 Companion Study Time, pretty good too

10:00 Adventure into the lone and dreary wilderness.

a couple times a week we do library service at this time, its ok, but not my favorite thing. Soon we will have to go to the Chiropractor three times a week in the morning for Elder Johnson's back.

This is my least favorite time of the day because pretty much nobody is home so tracting is dificult.

12:00 Lunch time. I have a rather extensive variety of lunch possibilities ranging from frozen pizza to last night's leftovers. after lunch i usually study or take a quick nap, or do both simultaneously.

1:00 Tracting or Follow ups (trying to get return appointments with people we've previously tracted into)

Elder Johnson is big into less active work, something Elder Hamren and I didn't do much of. Its good i guess, but it take a lot of miles on the car. (by the way, I drive all the time because Elder Johnson is red-dotted, meaning he isn't alowed to drive)

6:00 Dinner time!! Usually at a member's home, they feed us pretty well and are usually good company.


oh, time's almost out, gotta go

love you guys!

-Elder Mills

Thought from Lorene

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Monday, November 17, 2008

What the Gibsons are doing!

  • Lorene is one of the Wolf scout leaders, and on the Jr. High PTA Board
  • Alan and Mark have been stocking us with wood from some neighbors old trees that were cut down this year
  • Ashely and Rhett are experiencing the joys of expecting a baby
  • Amanda has been in the MTC for more than a week and is enjoying it
  • Brandon is experiencing the joys and frustrations of a mission in France
  • Mark is about to get his drivers license and has been on his first date to Home coming
  • Kate is doing homework and reading a book in her room
  • Isaac is taking a Spanish class and has a tutor for reading which he is enjoying
  • Kylee is cute and throws tantrums and hugs and says "tandy, tandy, tandy" and likes to hold as many binkies as she can find

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Notes from Mom......

Notes from Mom........

  • I am practicing for a Messiah Sing-along to be performed Nov. 29th and 30th at 7:00 p.m. That is a Sat. & Sun. eve. I have a solo part in this program.
  • Also I am practicing for a Christmas program being put on by the Swiss Chorus the second weekend in December. Exact date and time will be forthcoming.
  • As previously announced, our family Christmas party will be Sat. Dec. 20th from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. at my church on 500 North in Heber. I will be calling each of my family to find out their plans.

Brandon & Family after being set apart

Amanda & Family at the MTC

Ashley's baby shower

Mark after TriAthalon at Sand Hollow Res.

Rhett Swim/Bike transition at TriAthalon at Sand Hollow Res.
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets